Best G-AsiaPacific Team Building Experience of the Year


It has been a while since our trip has ended and I could say it is really an unforgettable experience. Those pearl white sand, clear turquoise sea and the breathtaking environment will make you feel like you have entered into another world – Paradise. This article is going to be a summary of our team building trip and Club Med Kani experience. Before we deep dive into more details about Club Med Kanifinolhu, let us go through a short introduction about Maldives, Male’ & Club Med. 

About Maldives

Maldives is a tropical island country to the south of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. It is located in a strategic area with access to major international sea routes in the Indian Ocean. The economy of Maldives focuses majorly on tourism. In this country alone, there are around 1190 islands and sandbanks to be explored. Therefore, resorts and private island are typically everywhere. So, the process of picking them really depends on which you prefer and every island is just a masterpiece of itself. Be prepared, as this country can spoil you with its vibe, beauty and newer heights of luxury!

About Club Med

Club Med is a French resort chain with resorts across all 6 continents with the concept of “all-inclusive” one-time fee structure. It gives you a hassle-free experience for the rest of the days of your vacation. Therefore, you only pay once while booking your stay and pay nothing more except for exclusive activities. Besides, it applies to any of the Club Med locations you pick as well.

So, your room, foods, beverages and activities are all covered for the duration of your stay including the mini-bar areas as well. Hence, it is like a mini village concept with a vibrant atmosphere where tourists and staffs will always stay connected with everyone on the island.

Besides that, it’s the culture that doesn’t make your travel about staying indoor and rest all the time. It’s about making new friends, meeting new people from around the world and exploring activities that you had never done before.

The Experience

The whole duration of the flight from Malaysia to Maldives took us around 4 hours flight to arrive. After landing in Male’, we spent a night in a local hotel nearby as our ride to Club Med Kani was only available in the morning.

Next morning, we had a ride back to the port (right outside of the airport entrance) and took a speedboat to Club Med Kani. It was all arranged by the resort and we took around 20-30 mins to arrived Club Med Kani.

The journey begins!

First of all, Club Med has 2 resorts available in Maldives. The vibrant party property, Club Med Kani and the premium property with more privacy and luxury experience, Club Med Finolhu.

Among those two available resorts, we are staying at Club Med Kani. This property is set on a long stretch beautiful island surrounded with shades of green and blue with crystal clear water. Basically, every part of the island is filled with fine white sand that hermit crabs are often spotted on the move.

Besides, this place covers everything include hammocks, water sports, sunbeds, drinks, foods, gym, flying trapeze and many more. All of which can be reach by walking distance. So yeah, you will be surprised how many calories you will burn in a day by just exploring the resort alone! It’s highly recommended that you apply your sunblock before you begin your journey to prevent getting sunburn.

Team Building

Team building this year was really an amazing experience. It’s definitely a great place to recharge! Regrettably, we did not attempt to do a lot of water activities as most of us can’t swim. Even so,  the beachside activities organized by our colleagues are equally as fun and pleasurable. Activities such as volleyball, water balloon fight, balloon tag of war, toss & catch and kayaking are among the highlights. The best part is that everyone went all out and had a really good time.

It was really a good experience as everyone gathered to discuss the best strategy to win the game. Hence, it really helps us in building our team chemistry and cooperation skill as a company.

What is next after Maldives? We are now fully recharged, and back in action to serve you better!

The Parties

Other than a gorgeous day-to-day view, you can also treat yourself some booze at any of the restaurants and beach bars. They offer a variety of alcoholic drinks that you can choose from. Remember the one-time payment charges? So, this means all your drinks have been covered! You can drink all you can. Hence, don’t be surprised if you happen to have more beers than water on this vacation!

As the sun sinks below the horizon, vibe changes and Club Med Kani party officially begins! Every day, Club Med Kani team would set up a different theme, party and performance for everyone.

Club Med Kani Again?

Definitely! We need more team building trip like this for sure. So, I guess is time for us to work harder to get a better trip next time. Haha. Hope that we can experience other Club Med resorts across all 6 continents as well. Can’t wait for the next upcoming one!
Drop us an email at or call us at +603-8084 2300 to find out more today! It would be our pleasure to assist you.

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